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Average Score: 4
63% knows the answer to this question:
"What country's King Sejong the Great developed the hwacha, which could fire 200 explosive arrows at a time from a range of 100 meters?
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"In 1993, what First Lady stickhandled her husband's failed effort to guarantee low-cost health care to all Americans?"
Quiz from the past
Average Score: 6
72% knows the answer to this question:
"Whose body was moved to Senatskaya Tower, having been moved from a nearby mausoleum where he shared space with the embalmed body of the leader before him?
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"Hitler wouldn't let Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus and his Sixth Army withdraw from the oil-rich Caucasus region, leading to what bloody battle?"
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Average Score: 9
69% knows the answer to this question:
"What Russian emperor put down the streltsi (a Moscow version of the Beefeaters) after they rebelled while he was abroad in 1690s?
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"What element is common to the nicknames of William Frederick Cody and James Butler Hickok?"
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Average Score: 8
45% knows the answer to this question:
"In 2013, North Korea pulled out of a 60-year armistice with what country?
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"In 2013, a deadly train wreck took place in which country's Santiago de Compostela?"
Mixed Trivia Quiz That Doesn't Need A Catchy Phrase!
Which one of the following might a frog eat?
Average Score: 9
80% knows the answer to this question:
"Which Australian city is most famous for its opera house and harbour bridge?
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"What is the difference between 1,000 and 3,000?"
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Average Score: 7
66% knows the answer to this question:
"Which golfer won the 1997 Masters Tournament, becoming the youngest ever to do so?
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"What is Egypt's capital city?"
Else you won't be able to score a 5+!
How did Adolf Hitler die on April 30, 1945?
Average Score: 7
31% knows the answer to this question:
"Who invented the telephone?
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"What country launched Sputnik?
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Average Score: 9
65% knows the answer to this question:
"What Roman Catholic nun lived for most of her life in India and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979?
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"What famous British ocean liner hit an iceberg and sank in 1912?"
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Average Score: 9
94% knows the answer to this question:
"In India, the enormous, beautiful tomb of Shah Jahan's wife is called what?
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"What famous fairy tale writer was German?"
We do mean everybody
10 questions
Average Score: 8
89% knows the answer to this question:
"What seafaring warriors traveled the Oder River in Poland during the Middle Ages?
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"Which annual summit took place in Northern Ireland in June of 2013?"
Hard history quiz!
10 hard questions
Average Score: 7
80% knows the answer to this question:
"Which European country was given a bailout by the European Union in 2013?
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"In May 1960, the first underwater circumnavigation of the earth was completed by what submarine?"
10 hard history questions
Average Score: 7
46% knows the answer to this question:
"Which country annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"A parliamentary democracy is a form of government where voters elect representatives to which body?"