Sudden Death Quiz
Are you one of the few to get past question 10!
Average Score: 0
75% knows the answer to this question:
"You can find the Wailing Wall at which location?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Scotland is the birthplace of what ball and stick sport?"
How many retries do you need in this Survival Mode quiz?
15 questions!
Average Score: 0
42% knows the answer to this question:
"From what perspective does a map shows what the earth looks like?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"The city of Cancun is located in which country?"
Math test
Find the missing number
Average Score: 9
46% knows the answer to this question:
"If ground beef is selling for $2.75 per pound, how much would a three-pound package cost?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is 24 + 4 + 22 + 4?"
General Knowledge Trivia
Are you some kind of genius?
Average Score: 8
86% knows the answer to this question:
"Towards what historical city do Muslims face when praying?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"St. Petersburg, Florida is named after a city in what country?"
General Knowledge Quiz
Show them you are not joking!
Average Score: 8
32% knows the answer to this question:
"What keeps a duck dry even though it spends almost all its time in the water?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"How many thieves are in Ali Baba's story in "1001 Arabian Nights"?"
Can you beat my 5 out of 10 ?
Mixed Knowldge Quiz
Average Score: 8
59% knows the answer to this question:
"In which capital city was the Tower Bridge erected?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What do you hear when a Mach cone passes by?"
General Trivia Quiz for the pro's
A genius might be able to score an 8 +
Average Score: 8
41% knows the answer to this question:
"Who sang the famous song "Come Together" (1967)
And do you know the answer to this one?
"If I am 6 foot tall, how many inches tall am I?"
Mixed Knowledge Quiz
10 questions about different subjects!
Average Score: 0
69% knows the answer to this question:
"If you add 560 plus 486 plus 8000 what is your total?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who made a highly successful 1956 remake of the song 'Hound Dog'?"
Trivia Quiz
Can you score a 10 again?
Average Score: 9
35% knows the answer to this question:
"What does "neutron" mean?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"In 2013, China announced an air defense zone that overlapped with that of what country?"
Measure your IQ
10 questions to test your trivia IQ
Average Score: 9
54% knows the answer to this question:
"Originally purple, what veggie wasn't orange until the 1500s, when they were bred that way as a patriotic gesture in the Netherlands?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"On what day of the year does consumption of Guinness pretty much double worldwide?"
General Knowledge Quiz
If you score a solid 10 you are a true genius
Average Score: 8
66% knows the answer to this question:
"In which state is the only place in the US where the Organ Pipe Cactus grows wild?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Which food is in the vegetables group?"
Can you beat my 5 out of 10?
Don't think so!
Average Score: 8
67% knows the answer to this question:
"If Jim is 3 and Andrea is 6, how old will Jim be when Andrea is 16?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Stretching after a workout helps to accomplish what?"