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Who or what am I?
What is the study of word origins called?
Bob Fosse is known for being which one of the following?
What is the main sacred text of Christianity?
Who said, "By force of arms."?
I directed the films "To Die For" and "Good Will Hunting", who am I?
I'm the hero of the "Halo" series and I wear green body armor. Who am I?
On whose tombstone is it customary to leave graffiti and a bottle of alcohol?
I'm a pop star who sang "Born This Way" and "Poker Face". Who am I?
Who said, "Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature."?
What is a second, lower ceiling used to hide pipes and wires?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Who or what am I?
Do you remember these old cities?
Who sang these songs from the 20s?