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Literature Quiz
Which of the following instruments has strings?
Who is Guanyin in Chinese mythology?
In John Steinbeck's "The Pearl", who finds the pearl?
What Tom Stoppard work about Russian intellectuals was published in book form in 2007?
What is the proper way to write decimals in a sentence?
What are the names of the brothers who rape and maim Lavinia in "Titus Andronicus"?
Who was the author of the best selling 1913 nonfiction book "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil"?
What's the name of Scout's brother in the book To Kill A Mockingbird?
When trying to use floo powder, where does Harry end up instead of Diagon Alley in "Harry Potter"?
In "The Joy Luck Club" who sat as the east wind?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Literature Quiz
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
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