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Who or what am I?
I am widely known for coining the phrase, "A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose", who am I?
What is the term for a person who lives in a certain city, town, state or nation?
What is an inflatable ball for beach and water games?
I starred in basketball for Argentina in the 2004 Olympics, who am I?
What is another name for Vitamin B5?
I'm an actor who starred in "Oblivion" and "Edge of Tomorrow". Who am I?
I was a bad girl in "The Craft" and starred in a teen drama on TV, who am I?
Who said, "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star."?
I helped create the first library, who am I?
I'm a basketball player who went from Cleveland to Miami and back to Cleveland. Who am I?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
Who or what am I?
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!